Pastor Michael A. Walrond, JR. Senior Pastor of First Corinthian Baptist Church

Michael A. Walrond, JR

  • Rev. Walrond, who is also affectionately known by the congregation as Pastor Mike, serves as the leader, pastor and teacher to the “ever evolving community of visionaries & dreamers” at First Corinthian Baptist Church.
  • Within two years of his leadership at FCBC, the church experienced a tremendous amount of growth, inevitably necessitating the addition of a second service. Over the past eight years, membership at FCBC has grown from three hundred and fifty disciples to over seven thousand, and has led to the creation of several new ministries and initiatives.
  • Pastor Mike’s vision for discipleship, wholeness, and community wellness has launched vision teams including- HEALED HIV/AIDS Ministry, Social Justice, DTV Drama, Clothing, Celebrate Life Recovery Ministries, and Business and Culinary Arts Vision Teams.
  • The dynamic preaching, teaching and discipleship of Pastor Mike led to the need for additional services: a third worship service on Sundays, and Freestyle Fridays, a service that celebrates the art of improvisation and creativity.
  • Pastor Mike’s foresight and passion for the Harlem community shaped the vision for the FCBC Dream Center, a transformative space designed to awaken the dreams of the community through leadership development, arts enrichment, and economic empowerment.
  • Rev. Walrond currently serves as a board member of the National Action Network, and in 2012, was appointed as the first National Director of the Minister’s Division of the National Action Network by Rev. Al Sharpton.
  • Rev. Walrond also has a strong commitment to public, private, and higher education and currently serves as a Trustee and adjunct faculty member of Chicago Theological Seminary, in Chicago, Illinois.
  • In June 2015, just last month, Rev. Walrond was chosen to spearhead the New York City Clergy Advisory Council by mayor, Bill de Blasio, where he is responsible for maintaining a direct line of communication between religious leaders and City Hall.
  • A native of Freeport, New York, Rev. Walrond did his undergraduate studies at Morehouse College in Atlanta Georgia, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy and Religion.
  • Rev. Walrond has a Master of Divinity degree with a focus in Theology from Duke University School of Divinity where he was the Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholar.
  • Rev. Walrond served Duke University as the University Minister and Director of the African American Campus Ministry for eight years and as the Senior Pastor of Zion Temple United Church of Christ in Durham, North Carolina for seven years.
  • He is a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. and Morehouse College Alumni Association. In addition to his religious affiliations and community involvement, Rev. Walrond also serves as weekly columnist for the New York Amsterdam News.
  • Rev. Walrond is married to the Rev. Dr. LaKeesha N. Walrond, who serves as the Executive Pastor of First Corinthian Baptist Church. They are the proud parents of two beautiful children, Michael III and Jasmyn Dominique.Michael A. Walrond, JR

Mamadi Touré, Ambassador of the Republic of Guinea

  • Mr. Touré previously has held several high-ranking positions within the United Nations. Such as:
  • the Permanent Representative of Guinea to the United Nations;
  • Senior Political Affairs Officer in charge of the Horn of Africa Team in the Department of Political Affairs;
  • Chief of Staff at the United Nations Operations in Côte d’Ivoire (UNOCI);
  • Senior Political Adviser to the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for West Africa;
  • Acting Chief of Staff at the United Nations Regional Office for Central Africa.
  • From 2004 to 2007, Mr. Touré has served many roles including be not limited to:
  • Political Adviser to the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the border dispute between Ethiopia and Eritrea;
  • Head of the Regional Office at the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH);

Special Assistant and Head of the Political Unit at the United Nations Political Office for Somalia;

  •  Senior Political Affairs Officer in charge of the West Africa Team in the Department of Political Affairs.

Throughout the 1990s, Mr. Touré served as Political Affairs Officer in such areas as disarmament affairs and Africa.
Additionally, he was Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs.
Mr. Touré obtained Bachelor of Business Administration and Master of Business Administration degrees from the City University of New York.
Born on 11 December 1952 in Kankan, Guinea, Mr. Touré is married, with three children.

Consul General of the Republic of Senegal Elhadji Amadou Ndao

Elhadji Amadou Ndao
His Excellency Mr. Elhadji Amadou Ndao was born and raised in Senegal, West Africa, where he attended primary and secondary school. After graduating high school, he went to the University of Dakar where he, along with other thirty two elite students in the literary track, had the privilege to be of the class that would be the first promotion of the Sociology Department newly opened at the renowned “Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines” at the University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar.
A year into it, he had the opportunity to travel to the United States of America in the pursuit of a higher learning. A higher leaning indeed, for beyond obtaining his B.A. in International Relations at the City College of the City University of New York, he had the pleasure to experience the American culture in its fullest sense: The New York City experience.
After graduating from City College Mr. Ndao served for various NGO’s, Action Against Hunger –USA and The Humanist Center for Cultures, in their communications  department before joining the United Nations Secretariat in 2011. At the UN, Mr. Ndao worked in the Department of Management  for two years and then joined the Executive Office of the Secretary General, Every Woman Every Child team in the Strategic Planning Unit.
His Excellency Mr. Elhadji Amadou was appointed Consul General of the Republic of Senegal by Executive Order of His Excellency President Macky Sall on January 7th 2015 and took office on January 30th 2015.

NYS Senator Bill Perkins

(02-05-09) Perkins-HS-004_0
Senator Bill Perkins, a Democrat was Elected to the New York State Senate in November 2006. Senator Perkins dealer to the 30th Senate District Which is part of New York County and encompasses Harlem, the Upper West Side and Washington Heights. A life long resident of Harlem, Bill Perkins His political career started as a community activist and is Known For His commitment to serving the community. The young, elderly and The most vulnerable New Yorkers Have Always Been Bill’s legislative Priorities. Prior to the election, Senator Perkins served on the New York City Council. During His eight year tenure, I was the third highest ranking member of the Council serving as the Deputy Majority Leader.
As Deputy Majority Leader, Senator Perkins was the prime sponsor of the Childhood Lead Paint Poisoning Prevention Act of 2004 Which Protects children from the deadly effects of lead paint in Their Homes.Thanks to His Efforts New York has the best lead paint prevention law in the country.A strong advocate of public education, Bill Perkins has Fought to Provide every child equal access to a quality education. I’ve Advocated for and Allocated funding for computer technology, public libraries and the rehabilitation of school playgrounds. I Helped fight for and won Increased funding for the City University of New York (CUNY) scholarships, full-time staffing and college preparatory courses.
Bill is one of the leading voices on Maintaining the public university’s mission of access and excellence. Senator Perkins knows the Importance of early cancer detection. He has-been successful in early detection programs Establishing Increasing awareness of colon and other cancers in city hospitals so stand to colon cancer patients have a better chance at survival. I Helped safeguard the health of children and adults by fighting against conditions like asthma trigger That pesticide use, diesel buses and rats. In response to a myriad of health Concerns in our community, Bill was the leader in the fight to combat the high rates of infant and maternal mortality, and HIV / AIDS and make quality care more accessible to all New Yorkers. A strong voice in the fight for civil rights and civil liberties, Bill Perkins Introduced the Patriot Act in the City Council Resolution mandates That Which anti-terrorism laws and policies be Implemented in New York City That do not infringe on the basic rights and liberties of New Yorkers.Also I Opposed racial, ethnic and religious profiling. He sponsored landmark legislation to protect the rights of gay, lesbian and transgender Communities.
I was instrumental in leading the fight for the Living Wage to Provide a minimum wage That was Also a living wage. As a youth, Senator Perkins Recognized The Importance of a quality education. I worked hard and was Awarded a scholarship to Collegiate Preparatory School in Manhattan and later a scholarship to Brown University. After graduating from Brown in 1972 with a BA in Political Science Perkins returned to New York and dedicated himself to giving back to His community through activism and public service.
Bill Perkins That mission has continued on ever since and remains Committed Until This very day to fight for fairness, justice, equity and Improving the Lives of Those I Represents. Standing Committee Assignments 2009: Corporations, Authorities & Commissions (Chair); Cities; Civil Service; Codes; Environmental Conservation;Finance; Judiciary; Labor; Transportation Biography of Bill Perkins, Senator Bill Perkins, the Democrat was elected to the Senate in New York in November 2006. Senator Perkins represents the 30th Senate District which is part of New York County and covers Harlem and the Upper West Side Washington Heights. A lifetime resident of Harlem, Bill Perkins began his political career as a community activist and is known for its commitment to serve the community. Young people age, and the most vulnerable New Yorkers have always been Bill’s legislative priorities. Before the election, Senator Perkins had served in the City of New York. During his eight years, he was the third highest ranking member of the Council acting as Deputy Leader of the majority. As deputy majority leader, Senator Perkins was the main sponsor of the Childhood Lead Paint Poisoning Prevention Act of 2004 which protects children from the lethal effects of lead paint in their homes. Thanks to their efforts New York has the best painting lead prevention law in the country. A strong advocate for public education, Bill Perkins has struggled to provide every child equal access to quality education. He favored the funds and information technology, public libraries and rehabilitation of playgrounds school.He helped fight and win more funding for the City University of New York (CUNY), scholarships, training courses for full-time staff and the university.
Bill is one of the leading voices in maintaining the mission of the public university of access and excellence. Senator Perkins knows the importance of early detection of cancer. He has been successful in establishing screening programs increased awareness of colon and other cancers in the city hospitals for patients of colon cancer may have a better chance of survival. He helped protect the health of children and adults by combating conditions that cause asthma and the use of pesticides, diesel buses and rats. In response to a myriad of health problems in our community, Bill was the leader in the fight to combat the high rates of infant and maternal mortality and HIV / AIDS and to make quality care accessible to all New Yorkers. A strong voice in the fight for civil rights and civil liberties, Bill Perkins introduced the resolution in the City Patriot Act which provides that anti-terrorism laws and policies held in New York, which does not infringe the fundamental rights and freedoms of New Yorkers. He also objected to the characterization by racial, ethnic and religious profiling. He sponsored landmark legislation to protect the rights of gays, lesbians and transsexuals. He was instrumental in leading the struggle for a living wage to provide a minimum wage that was also a living wage. In his youth, Senator Perkins recognized the importance of quality education. He worked hard and was awarded a scholarship to Collegiate High School in Manhattan and later a scholarship to Brown University. After graduating from Brown in 1972 with a BA in Political Science Perkins he returned to New York and went on to return to your knowledge community through activism and public service.Bill Perkins has continued in that mission and since then remains committed to this day to fight for equality, justice and improving the lives of those he represents.

Athena B. Moore, Director, Northern Manhattan Office


  • Ms. Athena B. Moore’s office manages a broad portfolio which includes the work of the MBPO African Immigrant Task Force.
  • Ms. Athena Moore brings a wealth of expertise in policy advocacy, health and human services, and strategic planning – as well as a deep commitment to public service and broad experience working collaboratively – and I’m very pleased that she is joining our team,” Brewer said. “Our goal is to strengthen our community partnerships, ramp up constituent services, and do all we can to improve the quality of life in Northern Manhattan.”
  • Ms. Moore brings over 18 years experience to her position. Before joining the Borough President’s Office, Moore was Director of Public Policy at the National Black Leadership Commission on AIDS Inc.
  • She was previously Associate Executive Director of the National Association of Social Workers-NYC and a consultant at the NYC Administration for Children’s Services.Ms. Moore brings over 18 years experience to her position. Before joining the Borough President’s Office, Moore was Director of Public Policy at the National Black Leadership Commission on AIDS Inc.
  • She was previously Associate Executive Director of the National Association of Social Workers-NYC and a consultant at the NYC Administration for Children’s Services.She also served as Executive Director of the Black Equity Alliance at the United Way of New York City and as a senior manager for the Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies.She holds a B.A. from Oberlin College and an M.S. in Urban Policy and Management from the New School for Social Research

Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer

Gale Brewer

  • Gale A. Brewer is the 27th Manhattan Borough President, responsible for advising the Mayor and City Council on borough concerns, commenting on all land-use matters in the borough, advocating for the borough in the municipal budget process, and appointing members of Manhattan’s 12 Community Boards.
  • The Borough President also chairs the Borough Board, made up of City Council Members and Chairs from the Community Boards, and the Borough Services Cabinet, composed of senior officials from City agencies delivering services in the borough.

Ms. Brewer previously served on the City Council for 12 years, from 2002 through 2013, representing the 6th Council District which includes most of the Upper West Side and northern Clinton.

  • As Councilmember, she successfully passed legislation guaranteeing paid sick leave for most hourly employees, compelling landlords to fix repeat violations, requiring all City data be published online, and the nation’s first law protecting domestic workers.
  • She was the founding chair of the Council’s Technology Committee in 2002.
  • Immediately prior to her election to the City Council, Brewer served as Project Manager for the NYC Nonprofits Project at CUNY’s Graduate Center, and before that worked for the Telesis Corporation, a private firm that builds affordable housing in New York City.
  • Prior to that non-profit and private-sector experience, Brewer served in City government in various roles, including as…
  • New York City Deputy Public Advocate for Intergovernmental Affairs under Mark Green (1994-1998).
  • Director of Mayor Dinkins’ Federal Office in New York City, managing the administration’s legislative agenda in Washington and a technical assistance program to help community-based organizations obtain federal funds (1990 to 1994).
  • Executive Director of the Mayor’s Commission on the Status of Women (concurrent with the Federal Office, from 1993 to 1994).
  • Chief of Staff to West Side Councilmember Ruth W. Messinger– before Messinger was, herself, elected Manhattan Borough President (1979-1989).
  • Brewer also served on the staff of Lt. Governor Mary Anne Krupsak, the first women elected statewide in New York in 1974 (under Gov. Hugh Carey) and first served in government in the City Parks Department during the Lindsay administration.
  • Brewer has an MPA from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, and she did her undergraduate work at Columbia University and Bennington College.
  • She co-teaches a class in urban policy each spring with former Borough President Messinger as part of Hunter College’s Public Service Scholar program, and has taught urban affairs at other area colleges, including Barnard, Baruch, Brooklyn and Queens Colleges.
  • Brewer is married to Cal Snyder; they live on the Upper West Side. Together they have raised many foster children.

NY State Assemblyman Micheal Blake

Michael Blake
When describing the path his life has taken, Michael Blake humbly refers to the words of his mother who remarked that the family had gone “from no house to the White House.” Blake has committed himself to public service and to the empowerment of others like him, who may not have direct access to opportunities to participate in the policy and political debates that shape this nation.
Blake’s family story is a testament to his achievement. His family emigrated to the U.S. from Jamaica seeking new opportunities, but facing many new challenges.Michael Alexander Blake was born on Christmas Day at North Central Bronx Hospital with a heart murmur. Despite his initial health challenges, the namesake of two historic Jamaican public servants, Michael Manley and Alexander Bustamante, Blake was raised in the Bronx and continues to live a life rooted in the foundation of faith, politics and putting his heart and soul into all opportunities.Michael faced challenges from the start. His New York City elementary school, P.S. 79, is featured in Jonathan Kozol’s Savage Inequalities: Children in America’s Schools. Yet, he still rose to graduate from Northwestern University, making his story all the more remarkable.Michael Blake is the Assemblyman of the 79th District in New York State, representing parts of Concourse Village, Morrisania, Melrose, Belmont, Claremont and East Tremont.
He is passionate about urban entrepreneurship, Minority- & Women-owned businesses, community learning, sustainable communities and empowering young men of color.Blake is also the Founding Principal of Atlas Strategy Group, which focuses on political and economic empowerment for communities of color.Michael recently served as the Director of Public Policy & External Affairs for Green For All, a national organization working to build an inclusive green economy strong enough to lift people out of poverty.
Michael was also the Senior Advisor for Operation Hope, the best-in-class provider of financial literacy empowerment for youth, financial capability for communities, and ultimately, financial dignity for all. In 2013, Michael served as the Campaign Manager for Reshma Saujani for New York City Public Advocate.But before these opportunities of service, Blake’s path to public service is a testament of what happens if you just trust in your dreams, anything can be possible.While an Associate Producer in Chicago in 2005, Blake felt that he was not helping people in the ways he should be at the time. So, he interned twice a week for former State Senator Jeff Schoenberg (D – Evanston, Illinois). One day, a woman walked in in need as she was at risk of losing her home and only having a week to get the help. Because of what Michael witnessed from his humble beginnings, he and the team worked diligently to help the woman. She kept her home, returned to say thank you and then Michael knew that his path was clear – it was to serve the people. He considered several opportunities, but it was when Henry Tamarin (President, UNITE Here in Chicago) told Michael of the “Yes We Can” program that everything changed.Blake first met President Obama in 2006 when he joined the Obama organization as a participant in the “Yes We Can” political training program, which trained ten young Americans to run and execute a political campaign. Blake maintains that Obama was the same caring, intellectual and transformational individual at their first meeting that he is today as President and encouraged him to think beyond his present circumstance saying, “Michael, dream big dreams.” The dreams began to be realized when the Obama team sent Michael to Michigan to manage his first races.In 2006, Michael Blake successfully co-organized three state house campaigns in that election cycle and was promoted to become the Director of External Affairs for the Michigan House of Representatives serving in Michigan Speaker of the House Andy Dillon’s cabinet. In early 2007, following the inspiring launch of President Obama’s campaign in Springfield, Illinois, Michael was motivated to elect the first African-American President and left Michigan to join the presidential campaign in the ever so critical first step of the election process: the Iowa Caucuses.Michael served as the Iowa Deputy Political Director and Constituency Outreach Director for the Iowa caucuses. Shortly before the Iowa caucuses, a 2007 Time Magazine article said, “Michael Blake may have more to do with Barack Obama’s chances of becoming President than anyone besides the candidate himself.” Blake humbly disagrees. After the success of Iowa, Michael went to work in seven additional states concluding as the Michigan Deputy State Director/Political Director for the general election where all seven state campaigns of coordinated focus won.Following the campaign, Blake was named the Director of National Labor Outreach for the 2009 Presidential Inaugural Committee. Once completing that national assignment, he joined the White House staff as Associate Director of Public Engagement & Deputy Associate Director of the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs, coordinating African American, Minority Business and county and statewide elected official outreach.
He created the White House Urban Entrepreneurship Summit series, which sought to foster public, private and not-for-profit partnerships and provide strategic advice to attendees.Blake left the White House to serve as the National Deputy Director of Operation Vote for President Obama’s 2012 re-election, the constituency outreach program for the Obama for America campaign and helped expand the diverse electorate who voted for President Obama including greater African American, Latino, women, youth, veteran, LGBT and Asian American participation. Following that successful tenure, Michael served as the Senior Advisor for the Office of Public Engagement for President Obama’s 2013 Presidential Inaugural Committee.Blake was honored as one of “The Root 100” in 2012, featured in Jet magazine as one of 15 black politicos behind President Obama’s re-election and recognized by MSNBC in 2011 as one of the Top 10 Black Politicians on the rise.The Bronx, New York, native is a graduate of the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University.
He is also an Exhorter in the African Methodist Episcopal Church and a Certified Lay Speaker in the United Methodist Church.Michael Blake often paraphrases his favorite scripture of Romans 8:18 and the words of Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick by saying “in 2008, we changed the guard; but in 2012, we guard the change.” Blake’s life has been dedicated to that charge and his hope is that history will forever know that the change has been guarded. The next change is the family motto, which now is: “From no house in Jamaica to the White House in D.C. to the state house in Albany.”


State Assemblyman Kieth Wright

Kieth Wright

  • In 1992, Assemblyman Keith L.T. Wright, a lifelong resident of Harlem, was elected to represent the 70th Assembly District. Since then, he has earned a reputation for getting results for his constituents and for improving the quality of life for new Yorkers all across the state.
  • Over the years, he has chaired several standing committees in the Assembly among them, election law, social services, labor and his current chairmanship, of the housing committee. He has proven himself to be a true champion for civil rights and social justice having also sponsored key legislation including bills to: create affordable housing; raise the minimum wage and to strengthen the state’s wage and hour laws to provide essential protections for the hardworking men and women of New York.
  • As chair of the Harlem Community Development Corporation (CDC), Assemblyman Wright has leveraged limited resources to make a substantial, tangible impact on economic development in Harlem, developing and renovating properties to create hundreds of units of affordable housing, grow small businesses, increase services for children and seniors and expand cultural venues
  • In his current capacity as Chair of the Housing Committee, Assemblyman Wright has maintained his commitment to ensure the preservation of programs that provide critical services to neighborhoods across the City of New York as well as those geared at empowering and increasing higher education and employment opportunities for underrepresented communities and at-risk youth.
  • He has also authored numerous pieces of legislation to strengthen the rights of tenants against unscrupulous landlords. Assemblyman Wright’s priorities cover a wide variety of issues, among them: a fair minimum wage; the DREAM Act; improving access to historically underrepresented industries for women and minorities; raising the age of criminal responsibility so that 16 and 17 year olds will no longer be inappropriately prosecuted as adults in New York State; and, access to quality education for all children.
  • A graduate of Rutgers Law School and Tufts University, he credits his parents for teaching him the importance of strong values, commitment to community and defense of civil rights.
  • He is the son of legendary New York State Supreme Court Justice, Hon. Bruce Wright and his mother – Constance Wright – served as a long time educator and former principal in the New York City public school system. Assemblyman Wright lives in Harlem with his family

Bronx Borough President, Ruben Diaz Jr.

Ruben Diaz Jr. first entered public office as a member of the New York State Assembly in 1997, and is currently serving his second full term as Bronx Borough President, having been reelected in November 2013 with more than 89 percent of the vote.
As borough president, Ruben Diaz Jr. has led the implementation of a robust agenda—on economic development, housing, education, and public safety—in every corner of the borough. The Bronx has seen over $7 billion in new development of all kinds since Borough President Diaz took office in 2009. This includes more than $600 million in housing, building nearly 13,000 new units, and the creation of more than 15,000 new jobs.
More than 14,000 new jobs have been created in The Bronx since 2009, thanks in large part to the continued partnership between Borough President Diaz, the Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation and those seeking to do business in the borough. Major projects such as FreshDirect, the Kingsbridge National Ice Center, new retail developments in every corner of the borough and the Cary Leeds Tennis Center in Crotona Park are among the major contributors to the “New Bronx” renaissance, led by Borough President Diaz.
Borough President Diaz has also put forward a robust legislative agenda, having led the charge for a new “living wage” law in New York City, which passed in May 2012 and requires developers that receive heavy taxpayer funding for their project to pay the employees of that development a “living wage.” Borough President Diaz has also put forward legislation to create a public registry of felony gun offenders and curb illegal dirt bikes and ATV’s on our streets.
The borough president has also implemented several bold health initiatives, including the Bronx CAN—Changing Attitudes Now—program, which aims to make small changes in the lives of Bronxites, leading to greater health improvements in the long term. Borough President Diaz has also sponsored the creation of the Community Board Athletic Leadership League, or C-BALL. The goal of C-BALL is to promote physical activity through basketball while facilitating engagement within our community boards and with city agencies, such as the NYPD. Sponsoring partners include The Coca-Cola Foundation, Montefiore Medical Center and Healthfirst.
Since taking office in 2009 Borough President Diaz has provided millions in funding to projects of all types in every Bronx neighborhood, including new technology upgrades to borough schools, green roofs and boiler upgrades, park improvements and more. Borough President Diaz has also created a Public Housing Advisory Council, which meets to discuss and find answers to the issues faced by the residents of the borough’s public housing buildings; and an African Advisory Council, which works with the Bronx African community to resolve its emerging issues and make recommendations on strategies to improve the quality of life of this growing population.
Throughout his seven terms in the State Legislature, Ruben Diaz Jr. was a champion for working families in the Bronx. He demonstrated a passion for constituent service, social advocacy and community empowerment balanced with support for sensible, green economic development and job creation programs. He sponsored and secured passage of important and innovative laws to address the consequences of the intolerable levels of asthma in the South Bronx, healthcare insurance fraud, and quality of life concerns.
Borough President Diaz has proven himself to be a fearless and tireless advocate for justice and equality for all. A staunch defender of the environment, he is a leading voice against environmental racism and injustice and helped lead the fight to restore the Bronx River. Due to his tireless and relentless advocacy in the case of his constituent, Amadou Diallo – a law-abiding young African Bronx resident who was wrongly killed by four NYPD officers in a hail of 41 bullets – Ruben Diaz Jr. became known around the world for his advocacy for civil and human rights.
In the State Assembly, Ruben Diaz Jr. served as Chair of the Committee on Election Law and on the Assembly’s Standing Committees on Education, Ways & Means, Children and Families, Environmental Conservation and Transportation. He was also a member of the Assembly’s Puerto Rican and Hispanic Task Force and the Black/Puerto Rican and Asian Legislative Caucus.
A lifelong resident of the Bronx, Borough President Diaz lives in the Southeast Bronx with his wife Hilda Gerena Diaz and their two sons, Ruben Diaz III and Ryan Isaiah Diaz. He graduated from Lehman College, City University of New York, with a Bachelors degree in political theory. Borough President Diaz is also the recipient of honorary doctoral degrees in civil law from Berkeley College and Mercy College, and a doctoral degree in humane letters from the Metropolitan College of New York.

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Want to know more about the Upcoming Go Africa Harlem Street Festival taking place on July 18th, 2015 on 11th street?
check out this video link
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